Friday 24 November 2017

The Avs, And Their Fans, Shouldn't Hate the Minnesota Wild Anymore

The answer is no. No, the Avalanche and the Wild should not be considered NHL rivals at this point. Avs fans shouldn’t hate the Wild any more than they hate any other NHL team that isn’t the Red Wings. Why? Because at this point, there is no recent history or events that can classify these divisional opponents as rivals. Lets take a closer look:

What brought on the absolute hatred Avs fans felt toward the Wild in recent years? Matt Cooke, and the 2014 playoffs. We all know about the Matt Cooke knee on knee hit on Tyson Barrie. The blatant attempt to injure, the slap on the wrist suspension, and the turning point of losing the D-man that definitely led to the series loss. Avs fans had every right to hate that team. To hate that logo. And to hate the fans, who were quite smug about the whole affair if you can remember.

But so much has changed since 2014 with both franchises. Matt Cooke, the antagonist of this whole mess, is gone. The Wild have had almost no success since that series in the playoffs and regular season. Only 5 players from the 2014 playoff series even play for the Avs anymore. Most of that team isn’t even in the NHL anymore. The Avs have been terrible since then, up until the early stages of this season, making any games against the Wild completely uneventful or intense. There have been no signs of bad blood between these teams really, save for the occasional Cody McLeod fight.

So what reason do Avs fans have to hate the Wild? Yes, they’ve been the better team since 2014, but should we hate them because they got a better coach and made the playoffs a few times? Should we hate them because they took advantage of an AVs collapse a few seasons ago and Parise scored a hat trick in an all too familiar comeback?

A lot of questions being asked here, all which should be answered by a simple no. So what should we feel toward the Minnesota Wild? As Avs fans, we should feel like we want to win the game. That’s it. Games against the Wild should feel like a game against the Blue Jackets, or a game against the Flames. A hockey game with no underlying storyline other than wanting the 2 points.

So if you find yourself still hating the Wild after all these years, no, you’re not being called stupid here, or unnecessary. We’re just saying that maybe it’s time to let go. The Avs are on the upswing, and the Wild still owe Parise and Suter over $7.5M against the cap for another 7 years. The Wild have no tangible results or brags for their 16 years of existence in this league. The Wild say they play in the “State of Hockey”, but in their case, the state of hockey they’re in is what the experts like to call “inconsistent and boring”. The fans are….well….unfortunate.

So don’t hate the Wild. They aren’t rivals. They have become just another team. And even thought that 2014 playoff loss was disappointing, it seems like the Avs will have enough playoff success in the near future to remedy those emotions, and they’ll be looking at the Minnesota Wild in the rear view mirror.