Sunday 17 June 2012

Who Wants 'Em?

July 1st is coming quick, so we thought we would take a very serious look at who the Avalanche should go after when the big Free Agent Frenzy hits:

Steve Bernier (NJ): Because Kevin Porter didn’t help us lose enough games last year.

Chris Porter (STL): Double Trouble.

Jonathan Cheechoo (STL): So Paul Bissonnette won’t feel like the only one spending so many games in the press box.

Steve Pinizzotti (VAN): Just so we can hear Peter McNabb excitedly yell out his name several times in a boring sequence.

Rob Klinkhammer (OTT): Because the NHL Headline possibilities would be endless.

Cristobal Huet (CHI): Because a goalie that played the last few years in the Swiss league so obviously NHL ready.

Dustin Penner (LA): We couldn’t think of any clever pancake quips.

Alex Semin (WSH): So we can have another underachieving Russian.

Zach Parise (NJ): Just to make every reporter that ever said “He’s going to Minnesota” look stupid.

Shane Doan (PHX): To spare him the agony of having to play another year in Phoenix.

Dwayne Roloson (TB): Because J.S. Giguere isn’t geriatric enough.

Sean Avery (NYR): Who else can give Joe Sacco fashion advice when he fails miserably again behind the bench?

Jarret Stoll (LA): For the soul reason that he is why Vancouver didn’t win the Cup.

Ryan Smyth (EDM): So Cody McLeod doesn’t have to be the ugliest guy on the team.

Barrett Jackman (STL): Because one former “#1 defenseman with great potential” from St. Louis isn’t enough.

Jeff Finger (TOR): To see if Avs management can somehow manage to pay him more for his services than Toronto did.

Bryce Salvador (NJ): So the Avs can join in on the teams that are going to grossly overpay him for his once in a lifetime offensive playoff outburst.

Dominic Moore (SJ): So he can wear #36 and give Todd Bertuzzi horrible flashbacks every time we play Detroit.

Ryan Stoa (COL): We can’t even joke about how bad of an idea that would be.

Joakim Lindstrom (COL): Because that worked out so well the first time.

Matt Smaby (ANH): To see what nickname players can make for a guy whose name ends in “y”. (Smabs?)

Marty Turco (BOS): So he doesn’t have to be a guest panellist on TSN or the NHL Network anymore.

Stu Bickel (NYR): Who doesn’t want a guy who played less than 4 minutes in a triple overtime game?

And last but not least:

Tyler Arnason (Who Cares?): Reason #1: So Adrian Dater can finally upload a more recent picture of him onto his live game chats. Reason #2: To remind bandwagon Avs fans that the last 2 years could have been A LOT worse. Reason #3: So #FireSherman can actually trend worldwide.


  1. Dominic Moore (SJ): So he can wear #36 and give Todd Bertuzzi horrible flashbacks every time we play Detroit. My Fav choice and would actually enjoy the idea very much in some twisted way make it happen Sherman haha


  2. Barret Jackman is back with the Blues so he's out.

    You needed a Penner Pancake line? "So he can pancake the competition."


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