Tuesday 4 September 2012

The Pros And Cons Of An NHL Lockout

Pro: We can still brag about having the youngest captain in NHL history.

Con: We won’t get to see Gabriel Landeskog with the C.

Pro: The Canucks will go ANOTHER year without winning a Cup.

Con: Canucks fans will still try and tell everyone one that “This is our year”.

Pro: Fans get to take part in fun and interesting protests like YouTube videos, jersey wearings, and online petitions.

Con: The fans will soon find out that they are powerless in negotiations.

Con: We won’t see the Avs in the playoffs this year.

Pro: We’re used to it.

Con: No one will be able to watch all of the Avs young D prospects develop.

Pro: Greg Sherman will have no way to trade all of the Avs young D prospects.

Pro: We now have time to shift our attention to the brilliantly entertaining sport of Soccer.

Con: We now have time to shift our attention to the brilliantly entertaining sport of Soccer.

Pro: Raffi Torres won’t be able to rip the heads off NHL stars with vicious hits to the head.

Con: No one will be able to watch the indestructible Gabriel Landeskog deflect Torres away like a ragdoll.

Pro: Owners are bound to lose a large amount of profit and revenue due to the work stoppage.

Con: Gary Bettman will still make 8 million dollars.

Pro: We can still write many of our blogs about the Avs, and Avs related topics.

Con: You still have to read many of our blogs about the Avs, and Avs related topics.

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