Tuesday 13 August 2013

A Numbers Game: #5

(This is a series that will run through the offseason that highlights the best, worst, and most irrelevant players to wear each number from 1 to whenever there isn’t enough players that wore a certain number to do this. So…here…we…go…)

#5. Also known as the number of cups the Avs should have won between 1996 and 2003. But two? Yea we’ll settle with two. That’s the humble thing to do isn’t it Vancouver? This number was a tough one. Not because everyone who wore this number was a superstar, but because everyone who wore this number wasn’t very good or vital to the success of the Avs. There is only one player that should go down in history as one of the greatest Avs defenders, and he is….

The Best: Alexei Gusarov. Gusarov was Russian. Big shock isn’t it? And he was good. Tough along the boards, kept his feet moving, got pucks to the net, used the body, never gave up, and we have just given you the transcript for every NHL player interview since 1990. But that’s what Gusarov was. Everything you wanted in a stay at home defenseman. I bet if you asked Patrick Roy about Gusarov he would tell you that the Russian was one of his favorite players to play with. Now, let’s get derogatory!

The Worst: This was a tough one. Everyone else who wore #5 wasn’t a bad player. They were more irrelevant than anything else. But we have to go with someone and that someone is Todd Gill. Why? Because out of all the players that played more than 10 games, he was the one who did the least. 36 games, 4 assists, +3. Thanks for coming out Mr. Gill.

Mr. Irrelevant: Shawn Belle. Who? The guy who played 4 games at the very tail end of the 2010-11 season when all hope was lost and when Ryan Wilson was probably injured because he is Ryan Wilson.

Other #5’s:

David Liffiton (Runner up for Mr. Irrelevant but he actually scored and fought)

Brett Clark (Runner Up for the best)

Shane O’Brien (Winner of the “You Don’t Fit On This Team Or This Post” award). Also co-
winner of the “Oh jeez, good luck in Calgary we all really feel sorry for you but make sure to tell everyone how good Ryan O’Reilly is going to be” award. Very prestigious.

Side note: The word “jeez” didn’t get spell-checked. What is this world coming too?

Also in the Series:

1    2   3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19  

20   21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34    35    36    

37    38    39    40    41    42    43    44    45    46    47    48    49    50    51    52    53   

54    55    57   58    59    60    62    63    71    77    87    88    90    92    94    97

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