Wednesday 2 October 2013

VIDEO: Patrick Roy Freaks Out On Bruce Boudreau

In the dying seconds of the Avs home opener, Ben Lovejoy went knee on knee with newest Av centerman Nathan MacKinnon. This set off a skirmish at the final buzzer of the game, during which Patrick Roy lost his cool. Here is the video of Roy's tirade against Ducks coach Bruce Boudreau. Sticktap you YouTube user Fred Murtz:

How good is it to have him back?


  1. That's the spirit, Mr Roy!

  2. its great to have him back...hes got everything Sacco didnt have. Passion, Vocal, Hockey Knowledge & his Players Back. The Duck announcers fail to mention that the tension started with Lovejoy taking the knee on knee. Roy was only backing up his players. I was at the game & Roy was talking to the team the entire game....Sacco never did that. Its GREAT TO HAVE ROY BACK!!! (finally a coach to light a fire under this talented team).

    1. Totally agree with Erica: It is nice to see a coach actually coach his team. He interacts with them, talks to them and has their back in situations like last night. I also like that he is honest and forthcoming in his press conferencnes and talks about what needs to be done whether good or bad. He is totally different than Sacco and it is a nice change. I never want to hear again the words "we didn't start the game on time"! I hated that!


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