Friday 20 December 2013

Why The Stadium Series/Outdoor Games Are A Joke

Yes, the Stadium series is a joke. And here is why:

Remember that one week all those years ago when YOLO was actually cool? Like it was actually a new, innovative acronym for a very true expression? And if you said it, it was considered witty, funny, and true. But then you started hearing it everywhere didn’t you? Kids were saying it, it was in songs, on t-shirts, on sunglasses, and then all of the sudden it wasn’t cool anymore. Oh no, it was lame. Rightfully so. Well this year, the NHL has made outdoor games the equivalent of YOLO. They had it so right before. One outdoor game a year, 2 outdoor games every 4 years with the Heritage Classic in Canada. What did this do? This kept outdoor games, The Winter Classic, a fresh, fun, exciting event; something to look forward to. But just like YOLO, it has been ruined. You take the ONE game, throw it around to teams who we’ve already seen play outdoors (Rangers, Wings, Penguins AGAIN, Hawks) coupled with teams we don’t want to see outdoors (Islanders, Devils, Senators) and now outdoor games are just mainstream. Is anyone truly excited to watch every single outdoor game this year? And to top it all off, just like YOLO, the outdoor games have made their way to Hollywood. Which leads us to the next section:

An outdoor game in California? That place known best for its hot, sunny weather outside of Florida? This game will get ratings. No, not because people want to see Selanne, Perry, Brown, and Doughty play outside, but because they want to see how bad the ice is, how it screws up the game, and how the TV crew tries to pretend the conditions aren’t god awful. People will watch but just because they want to see how bad things get. We call this the “Paranormal Activity 5” effect. They’ll watch, but not because its good.

Now this is the part that is WAY too obvious and way too frustrating. The Winter Classic and Heritage Classic should be celebrations of the game of hockey and its roots. Going back to where the game started, outdoors on a sheet of ice, against whatever elements are thrown at the players. Instead, the NHL has turned it all into a disgusting way to make back the loads of money it lost during the most recent (THIRD) lockout. I can hear the NHL’s thoughts now: “Let’s find absolutely massive stadiums, fill the seats, and make a ton of money off attendance revenue. Also, let’s divide the games into 3 separate categories. The Winter Classic, Heritage Classic, and Stadium Series. Why? So we can get three sponsors of course! CHA-CHING!”

And what’s worse, is that every team but the Canucks will be designing and wearing a new jersey. We’ve already seen most teams’ jerseys, and given the time you’re reading this, we have seen the Hawks new jersey too. Now in trying not to sound overly cynical about the whole thing, come one, do the teams really all need new jerseys? And it’s not like they are bringing back old jerseys, like the Canucks are doing with their Millionaires jerseys. These are NEW jerseys. Why couldn’t the Ducks wear the eggplant jerseys? The Kings could have worn their purple and yellow jerseys. The Wings could have worn their older Winter Classic jerseys and Isles could have gone back to one of the 18 jerseys they’ve had over the past 6 years. Come on Rangers. You really didn’t have an old jersey style to reincarnate? No, probably not, you’ve only been around since the 20’s. But then if you did that, then everyone wouldn’t spend as much money on these manipulative events. Many people have the eggplant Ducks jerseys and the purple Kings jerseys, so that’s going to be a number of fans who don’t pull out their credit cards and send some more money the NHL’s way. It’s pathetic really. And very transparent.

Oh and if you’re thinking “The NHL only does this because the fans keep paying money. The fans are letting them get away with it” then think of it this way: if a child wants you to buy him an ice cream cone, and you make him shine your shoes every time you do, you could say “If he’s willing to shine your shoes then why stop him” but this does not make it right to take advantage of the child because you keep getting your shoes dirty. The NHL is taking advantage of its excellent, loyal, passionate fans because they keep losing money on horrible decisions and lockouts. And we’re paying for it. What a joke.

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