Monday 27 June 2016

Transcript: How Eric Lindros REALLY Made it Into The HHOF

Below is the actual transcript taken by our very own anynomous source; an eavesdropped conversation between Eric Lindros and the chairman of the board who selects HHOF members:

Chairman: Eric, I asked you to lunch today so I could tell you some very important new in person.

Eric: I’m glad you called chairman, I’ve been waiting to hear this news since I retired from my illustrious stint with the Dallas Stars.

Chairman: Well, sorry to disappoint you but…wait…illustrious? With the Stars?

Eric: Ya?

Chairman: Eric, you scored 5 goals all year. And missed over 30 games.

Eric: Hey! It was hard playing down there! I didn’t want to go anyways!

Chairman: Why wouldn’t you want to go to Dallas? Beautiful weather, passionate fans, close to the ocean!

Eric: It isn’t the greatest hockey market. Their team was lousy at the time. And I did NOT want to learn how to speak Texan!

Chairman: Eric…you can’t just use those excuses every time you don’t want to go to a certain NHL te..oh nevermind, we’re getting off topic. Eric I asked you here today to tell you that you have not made it into the HHOF for this year’s class.

Eric: I…wait…what?

Chairman: We’re sorry, but since no one significant has retired recently, we think we might be able to get you in next year.

Eric: This is an outrage! Do you know who I am? I scored over 100 points once! I even almost scored 4 goals in a SINGLE year!

Chairman: Well actually, there are players who have actually done those things on more than one occa-

Eric: I even almost won a game in the Stanley Cup Finals! And I won tons of Eastern Conference Semi-Final games!

Chairman: Yea, but-

Eric: I was SO close to scoring 400 career goals! I mean, how many players can say they’ve done that!

Chairman: Well, 92 but-

Eric: I mean, who’s not in the hall of fame that has scored more career goals than me?

Chairman: Uhh, Stephane Richer, Garry Unger, John Orgodnik, Milan Hejduk,

Eric: Look. If I don’t make it into the hall of fame this year then I’ll holdout. I won’t play!

Chairman: But Eric, you’re retired…

Eric: I won’t play in the Maple Leafs alumni game for the Winter Classic!

Chariman: Actually I don’t think you were invited, but-

Eric: Who’s even getting in over me?

Chairman: Well, it’s really time for Dave Andreychuk. He’s scored over 600 goals, was a monster on the powerplay, ended his career with the cup, and he’s still involved in the game!
Eric: Look, if this doesn’t happen to me, I’ll make sure my Hall of Fame rights are traded to the KHL. Or the ECHL! How would you like THAT? I’ll be a HOFer for them for a year until you sort this out!

Chairman: Eric, we tried trading the rights. But there was this mixup…apparently the rights were traded to both leagues, we couldn’t figure out which deal wen t down first, or who owned you, and the Russians were going to give us Tretiak’s rights, but everything fell through!

(At this time, Lindros starting throwing a tantrum, kicking and screaming on the ground)

Chairman: Okay, Okay fine, you’re in! But if you don’t stop I’ll have to get Scott Stevens over here!

(Eric abruptly stop and sits back down)

Eric: Well I think you’ve made the right choice.

(The waiter comes with the bill)

Eric: You got this? I’m still paying Philadelphia back $15M from the trade, so money is a little tight.

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