Sunday 10 March 2013

Post Game Avs/Sharks: Dutch the Clutch

Well, after a ghastly performance against the Blue Jackets and a close loss against the Hawks, the Avs seem to be back on track. Well that isn’t entirely accurate because from the start of the season, they weren’t on any kind of track. But the win versus Chicago (Chelsea Dagger anyone?) and the OT win Sunday against the Sharks, the Avs look fast, healthy, and complete. Yes they have a less than optimal defensive corps that makes mistake after mistake after mistake. But EJ is back and playing great, and Wilson had a solid game (hit, blocked shot, 2 SOG, +1) so now it is an option to sit guys like Zanon. Look for the Avs to get rid of a defenseman soon or send Barrie down to the farm. With a solid top 3 lines, and a great 4th line wrecking crew, the Avs are in a prime position to get some points and move up in the standings. There are no excuses anymore to be successful.

Tonight was a fairly good showing by the Avalanche. But don’t let Duchene’s last second OT goal fool you into the thinking the Avs played pristine. The third period was not great and once again Varlamov stole it for them in the final 25 minutes of play. The bottom 4 defense played a bit of a choppy game with some untimely icings, bad penalties, and poor play down low in their own zone. Oh, did we say the bottom 4? We meant Ryan O’Byrne. He needs to be better.

But there was a ton of optimism to be dragged out of this performance.

Matt Duchene: Wow! His speed is intense and he always seems to have the extra step. He is playing with his heart, with his body, and with his brain. Smart, good hockey and it is a big reason he and his team are starting to put up some points. Last second goals don’t seem to hurt his case either. Clutch

Semyon Varlamov: We have already said it but Varly is playing great. When the Avs D mess up, or when opposing players get open, Varlamov has been there to stop them. His solid, confident play has provided the Avs with some breathing room and assurance.

Jan Hejda: He looked horrible to start the season and was a healthy scratch early in the year. And now, you can hardly notice him on the ice. For a defensive, hard-nosed defenseman in the NHL, that is all you can ask for. People only notice guys like him when they make mistakes and cost their team. But Hejda has played great defensive hockey as of late and we think we speak for every Avs fan out there when we say he should keep it up.
*Reminder: If the Avs tank and are at the bottom of the standings at the end of the year, look for them to move Hejda. He is in the last year of his contract and he would be a key asset to a contending team.

Overall, tonight was a good game. The powerplay was working, the penalty killing did its job, although iffy at times, and all 4 lines contributed in their own way and that led to the Avs victory tonight.

Upcomming: Avs/Oilers on Tuesday night. This is a big one.

3 Stars:
1.  Matt Duchene
2. Semyon Varlamov
3. Erik Johnson

Dishonourable mention:
Ryan O’Byrne

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