Tuesday 12 March 2013

Post Game Avs/Oilers: Pathetic

Wow. Just wow. How can a team that looked so great against San Jose and Chicago look so horrible against the Oilers? Oh, we know why. Because it’s the Colorado Avalanche and they are impressively inconsistent. A horrible game against the Blue Jackets, three great games against the Hawks and Sharks, and a horrible game against the Oilers. So who are the Avs? Are they the great team we saw the past few games or are they the pathetic team we saw tonight? Well I think it’s safe to say they are neither. They are still a bad team. Not good. But they are on average better that what we saw against the Oilers. So, in summary, another Avs loss, another absolute joke of an effort, another divisional loss, and another game toward missing the playoffs yet again. Good job team. Pathetic.

Let’s examine some individual efforts tonight shall we?

Ryan O’Byrne: Are you kidding me Sacco? You send Barrie down before the game starts and you dress this useless oaf who goes on to take not one, but TWO bad penalties in the 2nd, and is, of course, on the ice for a few goals? O’Byrne needs to sit. I don’t know what Sacco sees in him to keep him on the ice.

Matt Duchene: He had a bad game. A BAD game. On the ice for two of the Oilers first three goals, him, McGinn, and Parenteau all had poor outings.

Gabe Landeskog: The blown tire that led to the first goal was a bad break; you can’t fault him for that. But the rest of the game? Yea you can fault him. I don’t know why he is playing with Stastny and Jones. They have done hardly anything as a line and it clearly isn’t a good fit. This isn’t EA Sport’s NHL 06 Joe Sacco. The chemistry might look good in the “Edit Lines” screen, but when it’s this bad on the ice, maybe you should change it up huh? Oh no, sorry. Those duties are usually reserved for real NHL coaches. Not bumbling airheads that put on a suit and stand behind a bunch of NHL players during a game. Because right now, that’s pretty much your only contribution to the team.

The list goes on. I’m sure we could find a few things to say about everyone in the lineup tonight. But we won’t. With this loss, the Avs now find themselves back in 14th place in the West. Now, obviously Joe Sacco isn’t a mathematician because, you know, he didn’t know how many players to put on the ice, but last time we checked the official NHL rulebook, you need to be 8th place or better to make it into the playoffs.

Oh, yea the Hejda no-goal was bogus, but come on. After the first 10 minutes you could tell the Avs weren’t going to win. So if you’re one of those people who constantly blame the refs, then you obviously don’t watch the game and get your information from Twitter. Because anyone who can sit back after games like tonight and say “Man we would have had them if it wasn’t for the zebras” pretty much doesn’t know a darn thing about hockey or this team. So to all you people out there who fit that description, there is only a few things you need to know: The Avs are inconsistent, Joe Sacco is an idiot (just to be clear we aren’t on the Fire Sacco train, we choose to be neutral, but he is an idiot behind the bench), and when we have bad nights, they’re BAD nights.

A little side not on Sacco: While he can be blamed for the Avs overall poor performance, he can’t be blamed for the loss tonight. He can’t make the players skate harder and play stronger on individual nights. The ones to blame tonight are those who slip the Avs jerseys over their heads and collect paycheques from KSE. We don’t know about you, but we hope donate tonight’s salary to charity so at least someone can benefit for their awful performance.

Three Stars:
Tyson Barrie
Mark Olver
Greg Zanon

Dishonourable Mention:
Go to the Avs website and click on ROSTER. Are you there? Ok, that’s who.

1 comment:

  1. I only saw the third period and that was too much to see. I agree with you on the Stastny line, I just don't get it. Swallow your pride and just put ROR back with Landy.


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