Friday 5 April 2013

Post Game Avs/Wings: Another Game, Another Loss

Some people have asked (okay, my grandma) “Why haven’t you done many post game write-ups recently?”. Well Grandma, because we don’t want Avs fans to read virtually the same story over and over again. So if you are someone who has missed the post-game stuff, just go to the last rip job, and where it says the opposing team, just change it to one’s the Avs have played recently. There you go. But just for excrement and giggles, we’ll do one for tonight because it wasn’t all that bad.

Well we’re pretty sure you saw this coming. The Patrick Bordeleau minor penalty, not the loss. But hey that wasn’t too big of a stretch either. So just a few quick post-game notes here:

On the decision to play JS Giguere: it doesn’t really matter who Sacco puts out there in net now. 11 games left, last in the league, why not rest Varly a bit and give Giggy some time.

On the decision to play McLeod with Landeskog’s line: Yea we have a bit more of a beef with this one. Yea Hejduk, Stastny and company are injured, but you don’t put one of your best forwards with a guy like McLeod. We aren’t bashing Mcleod’s play, he has been great this year, but he isn’t good enough to play with Landeskog and their play this game showed that. Come on Sacco.

The Olver line: wow what a game from these guys. Yea they scored, but even if they didn’t you cant deny their energy, pace, and intensity. Does this remind anyone of the old Yelle/Hinote/Podein kind of guys in the glory days?

The Avs D: the first goal could have been prevented. Zanon was sprawled out on the ice and Barrie was so out of position Joe Sacco went out and bought him a Kama Sutra book. The overtime goal could have been prevented. Datsyuk was allowed to just walk right in. Barrie on the ice for that again. But other than that, they played a good solid game. No, we don’t miss Ryan O’Byrne. We will be doing a follow up interview with him soon though so stay tuned.

The Red Wings: Boy, they sure aren’t the same team from a few years ago. How awesome is that? Hopefully they miss the playoffs.

All in all, it was a pretty good game. The first wasn't very good, bt the second period was fast and sloppy, and that can make for some fun hockey. The third was a typical Avalanche third: rush to tie then finally start playing hockey. When you play hard for 15 minutes out of a 60 minute game, you're going to find yourself in the basement. Another day, another loss. If you're dissapointed, thats fair. If you're suprised, then snap out of it.

Three Stars:

1. Giguere 
2. Olver
 3. McGinn

Dishonourable Mention:

Zanon, Barrie, 

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