Thursday 28 February 2013

Jay Feaster: Gutless

Jay Feaster is probably regarded as one of the least intelligent GM’s in the NHL. He has terrible teams, signs terrible players for terrible deals, and makes terrible trades for terrible returns. And after today, you can add one more terrible thing to his terrible resume. He broke the unwritten GM code today and, as most of you probably know right now, signed RFA Avs forward Ryan O’Reilly to a two year offer sheet with a $5M cap hit. We get why he did this. His team is in desperate need of a young player with a two way talent level like O’Reilly. Heck, any team is. But no GM has yet to be as gutless as to make an offer sheet to O’Reilly. Yes, gutless. GM’s just don’t do this very often in today’s NHL. Or yesterday’s NHL. Yes, the Shea Weber offer sheet was made last season, and that was a cheap shot by Paul Holmgren. Remember the Dustin Penner offer sheet that forever broke the binds between Brian Burke and Kevin Lowe? Teams don’t get that mad at eachother for no reason. It’s a gutless move.

Do you know what this offer sheet says about you and your team Jay Feaster? It says your scouts are so bad, and your skill as an NHL level General Manager is so minute, that you need to poach other team’s scouted and legitimate talent. You hit teams when they are down, and when they are powerless. Where’s your honour?

But I guess we understand. You drafted NHL superstar (please note the sarcasm) Tim Erixon in the 1st round, traded a different 1st round pick and two 2nd round picks, all in 2009, and you have absolutely NOTHING to show for it. Your team is lousy, has been lousy for a long time, and will continue to be lousy because obviously you and your staff aren’t getting any smarter, or better at your jobs. With such draft gems in the last few years as John Negrin, Mitch Wahl, Nick Larson, Greg Nemisz, Ryan Howse, Henrik Bjorklund, Joey Leach, John Ramage, Bill Arnold, Tyler Wotherspoon, and T.J. Brodie, all of which were 4th rounders or higher (we didn’t have the heart to dice into later rounds) it is totally understandable that your prospect system is a complete joke. Way to be gutless Feaster. You did what 28 other NHL GM’s were too proud to do.

Oh, how’s Matt Stajan working out for you? Not good? Better go sign Olli Jokinen again.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Varlamous! Post game Avs\Sharks

We’ll keep the post-game short tonight and just add a couple of things

 - Varlamov! Wow. How many times is this guy going to bail us out of games? His record doesn’t look good, and his numbers aren’t the best, but he has played phenomenally.

-Shane O’Brien: Great game back with the Avs. Made some huge plays on the PK, and was even in on some of the offensive chances. Keep him in Sacco.

 -Gabe Landeskog: Doesn’t look like hes back in game mode yet. He hasn’t been the difference maker that people have expected. But don’t fret Avs fans, give him a few more games and he will be back to normal.

 -Paul Stastny: The 6.6 million dollar man. Start playing like it. Jeez.

 -Matt Duchene: Man, he was INVISIBLE tonight! Just kidding. But he’s only day to day so expect him back soon.

 -David Jones: This guy just isn’t playing well. Maybe a few games in the press box will teach him a lesson.

 -Greg Zanon: This guy needs to sit too. He made one really good defensive play on an Avs PK but overall he was horrible again.

 -PA Parenteau: Great game but he needs to stay out of the box. He doesn’t do the team any good in there. A few bad penalties tonight.

The bottom line of this game is this: The Avs had no business going into overtime. They should have lost that game not only in regulation, but they should have lost it big. Varlamov is eventually going to tire out down the stretch, and if he isn’t on his absolute BEST, the Avs aren’t going to win. Look at the game versus the Oilers. Varlamov was off in the latter half, and with NO help from his team, the Oilers scored 5 unanswered goals. If he keeps getting peppered by this many shots, expect many more high scoring games with Colorado on the wrong end of the score sheet.

But it is what it is, isn’t it? We get a point. But as we stand right now, they are in sole possession of 14th in the West. The Avs are going to need to win a ton more games in regulation if they want to have even the slimmest glimpse of hope to make the playoffs. That’s all for tonight folks, thanks for reading.

3 Stars: Varlamov, Olver, O'Brien

Dishonourable Mention: Zanon, Stastny, O'Byrne, Jones

Monday 25 February 2013

The 2013 Colorado Avalanche Academy Awards

Yes we know Altitude had this feature running throughout the Avs/Ducks game. But we here at Avaholics Unanimous had this idea in mind much before everyone saw it on TV. So to heck with it, here are our 2013 Oscar awards for the Colorado Avalanche:

Best Picture: Nominees; Gabe Landeskog, David Jones, Aaron Palushaj.
WINNER: Gabe Landeskog! With his dashingly good Swedish looks (Must be the meatballs; see Lundqvist, Henrik) Landy is a no brainer to win the best picture award.


Best Production: Nominees; The Avs Defense, The Duchene Line, David Jones
WINNER: The Duchene Line. Why? Because the other 2 nominees don’t produce at all.

Best Visual Effects: Nominees; Joe Sacco, Cody Mcleod, Chuck Kobasew.
WINNER: Chuck Kobasew. While Joe Sacco uses visual effects to make him look like a real coach, and Mcleod uses effects to make it look like he has no teeth, Chuck Kobasew takes home this honour. Why? Because using some sort of advanced technology, he is able to insert his name into every gamesheet when, as I’m sure most people can argue, no one even notices him on the ice.
*Side note: we were going to use Matt Duchene’s offside goal, but Altitude already did. Early bird and all..

Best Original Score: Nominees; Matt Duchene, Aaron Palushaj, Milan Hejduk
WINNER: M-m-m-m-Matt Duchene! While Hejduk’s snipe, and Palushaj’s first of the year are nice goals, nothing can compare to Matt Duchene’s game tying goal against the Wild on Valentine’s Day: (Jump to 2:00)

Best Director: Nominees; Joe Sacco, David Quinn, Tim Army (The latter two are assistant coaches)
WINNER: Noone! Why? Because from what we’ve seen, they can’t direct this team worth a damn.

Best Player: Nominees; Gabe Landeskog, Jamie McGinn, Matt Duchene
WINNER: Matt Duchene. Landy’s injury forced him out of contention for this, and while good, McGinn can’t match the skill speed, and leadership of Matt Duchene.

Best Player in a Supporting Role: Nominees; PA Parenteau, Jamie McGinn, John Mitchell
WINNER: McGinn. We can give this one to McGinn. He has been a great second punch to the Duchene line, and is a big reason this line has been able to put up so many points.

Best Makeup and/or Hairstyling: Nominees; Gabe Landeskog, John Mitchell, Greg Zanoon.
WINNER: John Mitchell. Mitchell won’t be denied this Oscar. While Landeskog’s hair is beautifully manscaped, and Zanon’s beard is just legendary, Mitchell wins with the makeup job he showed off after the first few games of a season:

I mean, someone couldn’t be able to go through all that pain and still be able to play every game right?....right?

Best Actor: Nominees; John Mitchell, Greg Zanon, Joe Sacco
WINNER: Greg Zanon. While John Mitchell pretends to be invincible, and Joe Sacco pretends to know what he is doing behind the bench, nothing tops the prime time acting job Greg Zanon shows the fans game in and game out. You almost had us there Zanon, but we all know you’re not actually an NHL caliber defenseman.

Best Costume Design: Nominees; The White Away Jerseys, The Dark Home Jersey, The Blue Alternate Jerseys
WINNER: The Dark Home Jerseys. Why? Because the Blueberry jerseys aren’t Burgundy, and because the white jersey, while nice on the eyes, don’t have that Avs feel to them like the Home ones do. 

Best Foreign Language Film: Nominees; The Powerplay (Because the Avs obviously don’t understand game video), The Penalty Kill (See above reason), Any interview with Semyon Varlamov
WINNER: Any interview with Semyon Varlamov. This guy is from Russia. And we can tell.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Noone To Blame But Themselves. Not Even Hunwick...OK maybe Hunwick. Post Game Avs/Ducks

So as you may or may not know, the Avalanche lost today. And, as you may or may not know, we lost another 3rd period lead. Another inexcusable effort from a team that just seems unable to get the job done. If you watched the game, then we don’t need to tell you what happened. If you didn’t watch the game, just know this: The PK was bad (Anaheim was 3 for 5 on the PP) our D, most notably Zanon, O’Byrne, Hunwick…oh hell, all of them…were too easy to play against and were often found out of position. We could rip the Avs again like we’ve done a few times this year, but that is tired. We write to you tonight to preach our opinions (we can do that because it’s a blog) on a few aspects of this team. So without further Ado, here we go…

Problem #1: Awww man, the refs screwed us over! If the refs weren’t so hard on the Avs, we would have won this game and other games!

NO! Bad dog! Sure, the refs in the Avs/Ducks game dropped a few bombs. McLeod interference, the stick slash, weak call in overtime. We here at Avaholics Unanimous recognize that the game was poorly called, and yes, we wish it could have been different. We don’t disagree that the Avalanche got jobbed.
But, if you blow a 2-0 lead, a third period lead, take a weak penalty in overtime, and perform horrendously on the penalty kill, then we’re sorry Colorado Avalanche organization, perhaps the refs aren’t your biggest problem. If this team were say…more skilled, then they would be able to shrug off the missed and weak calls. Bottom line: if your team is incapable of winning the game because they don’t get a few extra powerplays, then you have problems that go way beyond the men who wear the zebra shirts. So to all of you who think the Avs lost the game because of the refs, then you failed to notice the lazy backchecking, horrible defensive positioning, the bad penalty killing, and the fact that the Avalanche had ONE shot in the third, 18 seconds in. But yes, if 2 or 3 more penalties would have been called, we’re sure all of that would have changed. The team would have done a complete 360.

Problem #2: Joe Sacco.

We don’t usually participate in the whole #FireSacco thing. Although it may have crossed our minds a few times, it has never been something we’ve been very vocal about. But it’s time for Sacco to pursue greener grasses. Maybe an assistant coaching job somewhere to actually learn how to do your job behind the bench. Our problem with Sacco is this: he currently coaches a team that has the 5th worst PK, 6th worst PP, 11th worst 5 on 5 play, and overall, 26th in the league. His team is 22nd in goals per game, 21st in goals against, and 28th in shots against. Want more stats? The Avs are ranked 24th in winning percentage when scoring 1st, 28th when leading after 1 period, and 29th when leading after 2 periods. When the Avs outshoot their opponents, they are ranked 25th in winning percentage. We’ll stop here. Some may argue that the Avs don’t have a good team, and injuries are hurting us. But look at the Avs on paper. Even with injuries they are a club full of offensive talent. But these stats, after looking back in Sacco’s time with the Avs, look shockingly similar year after year.

“Well, the Avs management team sucks. They don’t give Sacco the right players, and don’t give him a reliable defense.” True. That is a problem. But as a coach, Sacco should be able to work with what he has. Don’t scratch Aaron Palushaj and keep guys like Chuck Kobasew and Bordy in the lineup. When a guy like Palushaj comes in and produces, don’t sit him. Don’t squeeze the sparky Mark Olver between Bordy and McLeod. Olver can put up the points. He has shown that last year. But how do expect an offensive type player to help your team at all when he’s playing with two bruisers? Oh, and how was Ryan O’Byrne not sat yet? He has played bad game after bad game after bad game. Greg Zanon? He is just playing horribly. The worst guy on the ice most night. But Shane O’Brien is still sitting up in the press box waiting to get another game in. Ridiculous. This has been said time and time again, but wouldn’t it be nice to have Lindy Ruff? His attitude and work ethic would really whip our guys into shape. No more lazy plays, horrible positioning, and hopefully no more drop passes on the powerplay. YOU ARENT FOOLING ANYONE WHEN YOU DO THAT GUYS! Sacco does not motivate his players when they are down. After a bad game, he does nothing but cling to the “Big plays” his team has made, even if there was only one or two. Even tonight he had a few comments about the refs post game. As a coach you cannot use that as an excuse. You should look at what your players did to lose the game and work on fixing the flaws. Some players also had comments about the officiating. Turn to Adrian Dater’s twitter page for that though; we don’t want to take credit.

The Avs three stars of the night: 1. Giguere, 2. Mitchell, 3. Palushaj.

Dishonourable mentions: Zanon, Landeskog, Duchene, Hunwick

Anyways, that’s it for us tonight. Morale of the story: Avs lost the game, not the refs; Sacco needs to find a way to fix this team or he needs to be replaced. Thanks for reading Avs fans.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

The Graveyard That Is The Colorado Avalanche Defense

Over the past 6 years or so, the Avalanche have been fortunate enough to have decent scoring on the back end. We’re talking defense people, c’mon. Up until a few years ago, the Avs could have been considered an offensively defensive team, always scoring a respectable amount of point with their rearguards. We are running out of alternate names for defensemen so let’s cut to the chase shall we? As of right now, as you are reading this, the Avalanche defense is full of defensive minded (and sometimes absent minded) defenders who are not known for putting up points. As a result, the powerplay usually features a forward or two on the point, and there is no large, player scattering bomb from the point that many successful powerplay teams possess. The following statistics take a look at what happened to the Avalanche defense over the years and outlines the graveyard of great offensive defenseman in which the Colorado management. Thanks a lot guys. We’ll start off lightly:

Jordan Leopold: points as an Av: 13-25-38. Departue: Traded to Calgary for Nycholat, Wilson, and the draft pick the Avs used to select Stefan Elliott.

Ruslan Salei: Points as an Av: 8-26-34. In only 101 games. Departure: Became a UFA, signed with the Red Wings *spit*.

Brett Clark: Points as an Av 30-100-130. Departure: Became UFA, signed with the Lightning.

Johnny Boychuck: Points as an Av: 0 in 4 games, while playing RW for 3. Departure: Traded to Boston for Matt Hendricks.

These 4 players were not extremely offensive, but they were always counted upon to put up a fair number of points. All 3 defenseman were more than capable on the powerplay as well. Apart from offense, when they weren’t producing they were mostly solid defensively. Leopold had some slip ups but he was generally solid.

Now, this might hurt:

John-Michael Liles: Points as an Av: 68-207-275. Departure: Traded to Toronto for the pick used to select Mike Winther. MIKE WINTHER! Who???????

Kyle Quincey: Points as an Av: 11-42-53. Departure: Traded to Tampa for Steve Downie. Yes we know what you are thinking. “Quincey sucked at defense, made costly mistakes, and we got Downie. AWESOME trade Greg Sherman.” But you have to admit, when he was healthy, he was great on the backend, and a better defenseman than at least 4 of the guys the Avs have now. But feel free to disagree.

And last but probably not least…(drumrolllll)

Kevin Shattenkirk: Points as an Av: 7-19-26. In 46 games. Departure: if for some reason you don’t know, he was traded with Stewart for McClement, Johnson, and the pick used to select Duncan Seimens. Worst trade since the Drury/Morris trade.

Any of these players would be a godsend on the Avalanche blueline right now. So how have they done in the NHL since leaving Colorado?

Johnny Boychuck: 13-33-46. He is also Zdeno Chara’s defensive partner, an extraordinary/physical shutdown D, and cornerstone to a 2011 Bruins Stanley Cup Championship team.

Jordan Leopold: 36-56-91

Ruslan Salei: 2-8-10, before signing in Russia

Brett Clark: 11-35-46

Kyle Quincey: 2-1-3 (he has only played 27 games, but has played well for DET)

John-Michael Liles: 7-20-27 (Liles has only played 76 games for Toronto)

Kevin Shattenkirk:  12-57-96.

That makes for an impressive 83 goals, 210 assists, and 293 points in 690 games away from the Mile High City. An average of 1 goal per 8 games, an assist every 3 games, and points every 2 games. Boy, the Avs could really use that kind of production.

The 8 defensemen Colorado has now, since joining the Avs, have put up 19-147-166. Actually, those numbers do not seem half bad. But oh wait: Combined, the 8 defenseman have played 719 games for this team. That leaves a total of 1 goal per every 38 games from the Colorado defense. An assist every 5 games and a point every 4 games. The morale of the story: the defense cannot and do not score. They are not offensive at all. And looking at the players they have let go in the past, the Avs are much worse off. Dumb trades, and an evident disability in keeping players around, or wanting players to stay, have cause the Avalanche to stockpile a barrage of defensive shutdown dmen who on occasion don’t shut down or defend. This defensive corp is at fault for many goals, unproductive, bad in their own zone, bad with the puck, and confused on penalty kills. Now, if you were Greg Sherman and the Avs brass, wouldn’t you like to see any of the former guys listed above wearing the burgundy and blue again?