Tuesday 26 February 2013

Varlamous! Post game Avs\Sharks

We’ll keep the post-game short tonight and just add a couple of things

 - Varlamov! Wow. How many times is this guy going to bail us out of games? His record doesn’t look good, and his numbers aren’t the best, but he has played phenomenally.

-Shane O’Brien: Great game back with the Avs. Made some huge plays on the PK, and was even in on some of the offensive chances. Keep him in Sacco.

 -Gabe Landeskog: Doesn’t look like hes back in game mode yet. He hasn’t been the difference maker that people have expected. But don’t fret Avs fans, give him a few more games and he will be back to normal.

 -Paul Stastny: The 6.6 million dollar man. Start playing like it. Jeez.

 -Matt Duchene: Man, he was INVISIBLE tonight! Just kidding. But he’s only day to day so expect him back soon.

 -David Jones: This guy just isn’t playing well. Maybe a few games in the press box will teach him a lesson.

 -Greg Zanon: This guy needs to sit too. He made one really good defensive play on an Avs PK but overall he was horrible again.

 -PA Parenteau: Great game but he needs to stay out of the box. He doesn’t do the team any good in there. A few bad penalties tonight.

The bottom line of this game is this: The Avs had no business going into overtime. They should have lost that game not only in regulation, but they should have lost it big. Varlamov is eventually going to tire out down the stretch, and if he isn’t on his absolute BEST, the Avs aren’t going to win. Look at the game versus the Oilers. Varlamov was off in the latter half, and with NO help from his team, the Oilers scored 5 unanswered goals. If he keeps getting peppered by this many shots, expect many more high scoring games with Colorado on the wrong end of the score sheet.

But it is what it is, isn’t it? We get a point. But as we stand right now, they are in sole possession of 14th in the West. The Avs are going to need to win a ton more games in regulation if they want to have even the slimmest glimpse of hope to make the playoffs. That’s all for tonight folks, thanks for reading.

3 Stars: Varlamov, Olver, O'Brien

Dishonourable Mention: Zanon, Stastny, O'Byrne, Jones

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