Thursday 28 February 2013

Jay Feaster: Gutless

Jay Feaster is probably regarded as one of the least intelligent GM’s in the NHL. He has terrible teams, signs terrible players for terrible deals, and makes terrible trades for terrible returns. And after today, you can add one more terrible thing to his terrible resume. He broke the unwritten GM code today and, as most of you probably know right now, signed RFA Avs forward Ryan O’Reilly to a two year offer sheet with a $5M cap hit. We get why he did this. His team is in desperate need of a young player with a two way talent level like O’Reilly. Heck, any team is. But no GM has yet to be as gutless as to make an offer sheet to O’Reilly. Yes, gutless. GM’s just don’t do this very often in today’s NHL. Or yesterday’s NHL. Yes, the Shea Weber offer sheet was made last season, and that was a cheap shot by Paul Holmgren. Remember the Dustin Penner offer sheet that forever broke the binds between Brian Burke and Kevin Lowe? Teams don’t get that mad at eachother for no reason. It’s a gutless move.

Do you know what this offer sheet says about you and your team Jay Feaster? It says your scouts are so bad, and your skill as an NHL level General Manager is so minute, that you need to poach other team’s scouted and legitimate talent. You hit teams when they are down, and when they are powerless. Where’s your honour?

But I guess we understand. You drafted NHL superstar (please note the sarcasm) Tim Erixon in the 1st round, traded a different 1st round pick and two 2nd round picks, all in 2009, and you have absolutely NOTHING to show for it. Your team is lousy, has been lousy for a long time, and will continue to be lousy because obviously you and your staff aren’t getting any smarter, or better at your jobs. With such draft gems in the last few years as John Negrin, Mitch Wahl, Nick Larson, Greg Nemisz, Ryan Howse, Henrik Bjorklund, Joey Leach, John Ramage, Bill Arnold, Tyler Wotherspoon, and T.J. Brodie, all of which were 4th rounders or higher (we didn’t have the heart to dice into later rounds) it is totally understandable that your prospect system is a complete joke. Way to be gutless Feaster. You did what 28 other NHL GM’s were too proud to do.

Oh, how’s Matt Stajan working out for you? Not good? Better go sign Olli Jokinen again.


  1. Lol...sooomebody's jealous...
    fyi Feaster never signed Stajan, moron

    1. We mentioned trades up top too. He did trade for Stajan. And while we would be jealous if Calgary got O'Reilly, we wouldnt be jealous of the fact they have one of the few GM's in the league that makes worse transactions then Sherman.

  2. This is a hilarious piece. Why wouldn't any GM want to better their team?
    "Offer sheets are bad you guys!" lol ok. There's no honour in losing. A GM might not offersheet a player if they were worried about their relationship with the other team, but Calgary and the Avs are in the same division.

    Like how you say the Avs are powerless. They had all the power. They could've signed him. They could've traded him. But instead they decided to let the situation play out and it's about time somebody put a stop to it.

  3. More like smart. They clearly acknowledge their recent draft woes so when a division rival makes a good player available they're Gunna take him. I would. You probably would too. You just need a scapegoat to aim your avs management anger at

  4. It is no secret Avs fans are mad at Avs management. They don't come off clean in this. But it is generally recognized that offer sheets are a no-no. We aren't saying they aren't allowed to, its just cheap. And if you think having the cap space to sign a player means they will over pay what they think is right means power, you're wrong. At least from the Avs' perspective.


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