Monday 10 June 2013

Avalanche Player Grades: The Defense

Let’s continue the player grades shall we? You remember our goalie grades? Well let’s focus on defense this time. Spoiler Alert: If this was college, the Avalanche defense would be kicked out due academic failure.

Ryan Wilson: Grade B. Yea, he only played 12 games, but a grade here is necessary. Wilson, in those 12 games, showed a huge improvement over the last two seasons. He morphed from a young, mistake making defender into a hard hitting, solid player. Wilson wins the “Wish You Were Here” award.

Matt Hunwick: Grade C+. Hunwick continued his fast paced skating and his offensive styled game, but wasn’t clutch on the back end. The C+ grade is due to the fact that he met expectations and did not exceed them. He was actually a + this year! (+4) Hunwick wins the “Oh Right, He’s Playing Tonight” award.

Greg Zanon: Grade F. Slow, soft, mistakes all over the place, and just a horrible, overpriced idea in hindsight. Yes, we’re talking about every Hugh Grant movie. And Greg Zanon. Zanon was awful this year and don’t let his -16 fool you. He was on the ice for way more goals than that. Zanon wins the award of worst penalty killer. But yea, cool beard.

Shane O’Brien: Grade C+. When Sacco decided to actually play him, he was decent. And by decent we mean on par with the rest of the Avs D. He wins the “Another Defenseman That Didn’t Score” award.

Ryan O’Byrne: Grade F. You know why. He wins the “Good Riddance” award.

Jan Hejda: Grade B+. Hejda was the second best defenseman on the Avs roster this season. And come one, he helped us beat Vancouver. Hedja was solid night in and night out, and was second on the Avs in defensive scoring and one of three Avs to actually score a goal. He wins the “Almost worth the 3.25M per year” award.

Stefan Elliott: Grade C+. Elliott was better than O’Byrne and Zanon most of the time but found himself scratched or in the minors when the previous 2 players were playing. Elliott improved over last year, and improved over the horrific start he had in Lake Erie. Look for Elliott to be an offensive threat in the future. Elliott wins the “Most Likely To Get Good And Be Traded” award.

Erik Johnson: Grade D. Yea. D. Why? Because Erik Johnson scored 0 goals, only mustered 4 assists. He made some great plays in the backend but he is expected to score some points and add to the Avs offense. Unacceptable numbers for a former 1st overall pick. Johnson wins the “Yea, Seth Jones ISNT A Gamble” award.

Tyson Barrie: Grade A. Yes we saved the best for last! Hey Joe Sacco, why wasn’t this guy in every game? Oh right. Because you don’t have a job. Anyways, Barrie gives the Avs blueline some hope in the future AND he led the Avs in D scoring. He wins the “Lone Bright Spot “ award.

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