Friday 25 April 2014

In Which We Blast The Disgusting Conduct of Minnesota Wild Fans

In the long, illustrious, award filled history of this blog, we have never sunk so low as to make attacks on fans of teams. But since the Minnesota Wild fans have sunk lower than the profit of the North Stars, it is time we break the threshold.

Now, beaking and poking fun at teams, players, and their fans, whether it be over Twitter, at games, on blogs, or what have you, is a great and fun part of hockey and it is engaging for the fans. All this being said, there are codes you follow and lines you do not cross. The Minnesota Wild fans have broken that code and crossed those lines and it is only game 4 of the series. We can trace this back to the end of games 1 and 2, when the Wild fans took to the internet to whine and complain about horrible officiating and blaming the zebras for everything. This is common practice amongst sore losers, and not a big deal.

Lets jump to game 3. Matt Cooke knees Tyson Barrie. Wild fans were ignorant enough to say it was either a clean hit, a “hockey play”, finishing a check, not dirty, what have you. This is not really a big deal either, but it sets a nice foundation for how utterly stupid some fans can be. Now keep in mind, we are going beyond Wild fans at this point, and just pointing out how narrow minded and biased hockey fans in general can be, using the Wild fans as an example.

Also in game 3: Andre Benoit gets injured off of a huge clean hit along the boards. He goes down, and he isn’t getting up. All is quiet for a few minutes until he starts skating to the bench with aid of a trainer. This is when Wild fans start to cross the line. They boo him. A person gets hurt on the ice and they boo him when he is able bodied enough to stand under his own power. That is a disgusting display of sportsmanship and everybody in that building who uttered even the slightest “boo” should be ashamed. When a person is hurt, most people go beyond love of a hockey team and wishful outcome of a game, and show happiness when the person is ok. These Wild fans who booed cast a horrible, unlikeable light on their fan base and the team, players, and other fans should be embarrassed.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. Lets moves on to game 4. Much like game 3, Varly was the only reason the Avs didn’t get blown out. Wild fans are actually smart enough to catch on to this, believe it or not, so what do they do to retaliate to his amazing performances? They start bringing up the past and take to the internet again and call Varly a “wife beater” phrased in many creative ways. Here are some examples:

These are the more rated PG examples, and only 3 of hundreds. Again, we aren’t speaking for all Wild fans when we say this, but the ridiculous way they’ve acted in this series is enough for the generalization. They are garbage hockey fans who take it too far. They are poor excuses for fans of hockey and are just plain stupid. Worst fans in the league? For sure. How they can justify a personal attack on an athlete they don’t even know is beyond us. This is on par with everybody calling Joel Ward horrible racist names when he knocked out the Bruins in overtime a few years ago. Come on Wild fans, you guys are a JOKE. You win the game, even up the series, boo our hurt guys, stick up for Cooke, who I scum, and you STILL have the audacity to call the opposing goaltender a wife beater? They even had signs in the crowd in Minnesota.

Let’s compare fan bases:

When a player gets hurt, do you boo?

Every other team in the NHL: No! Wild fans: Obviously!

When a dirty player blatantly injures the opposition do you take accountability as fans and show no bias when it is that obvious?

Every other team in the NHL: Most of us would say yes. Wild fans: It’s not his fault!

Oh and let’s put this into a very harsh perspective. You don’t see Avs fans holding up signs and tweeting how Dany Heatley is a murderer. Why? Because Avs fans aren’t despicable individuals and that would be horribly offensive to everyone. Well that applies to Wild fans too, so smarten up. You guys are a joke.

1 comment:

  1. Booing an injured player is classless trash, and the fans have done ridiculous, sticking up for human garbage Cooke... but tbh they're not doing anything any other fan base wouldn't do. If a wild player were accused of beating a woman, I prolly would do the same thing


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