Tuesday 22 April 2014

Matt Cooke: How Is This Guy Still In The League?

We've all seen the Cooke hit on Tyson Barrie and we all know the scenario. Wild will lose Cooke, Avs will lose Barrie. If you’re a Wild fan, player, or Mike Yeo, you’re ecstatic. If you are anyone else in the world, you’re disgusted. How the heck is Matt Cooke still an NHL player? This guy is dangerous. Don’t buy his “reformed” act, because it isn’t true. Below is a compilation of just SOME of Cooke’s dirty plays in the NHL. Feel free to forward this onto NHL Player Safety Department, because they need to get this scum bag out of this league. What a disgusting, poor excuse for an NHL player.
EDIT: And for some reason, he isn't a repeat offender.

Shoutout to all the Youtube users whose videos we used.

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