Sunday 22 December 2013

Hey Gabe, Do You Think It's Time To Start Scoring Again?

Gabe Landeskog is an all-around elite player. He plays a gritty game, goes to the hard places, backchecks, kills penalties, and has an offensive punch that ranks him up there with the best of them. Let’s focus on that last part; the offensive punch.

Remember that home and home against the Wild where Landeskog had goals in each games? Well those were the only goals he has scored in the past 15 games. That’s right, 2 goals in 15 games for the Avalanche captain. That isn’t very good. In the last 15 games, the Avalanche have sort of come down to Earth from their shocking start winning only 8 of their last 15 games. In those 7 losses they have not scored more than 2 goals. Do you think they could have used some of Landeskog’s  scoring touch? Probably.

Bottom line: If the Avs want to continue being successful, then guys like Landeskog, especially Landeskog, needs to start putting pucks into the net. And it isn’t like Landeskog is helping offensively in other ways. In those 15 games he has only 5 assists and is -1. In his last 10 games Landeskog has 0 goals and just 3 assists. That’s horrible. Yes, it can be argued that his linemates Parenteau and Stastny are holding him back, but Landeskog is type of player who should make those around him better. And it isn’t like PA and Stastny don’t have enough skill to compliment the young Swede.

So Gabe, you think it might be time to start finding the scoresheet again? Great, thanks. 

Friday 20 December 2013

Why The Stadium Series/Outdoor Games Are A Joke

Yes, the Stadium series is a joke. And here is why:

Remember that one week all those years ago when YOLO was actually cool? Like it was actually a new, innovative acronym for a very true expression? And if you said it, it was considered witty, funny, and true. But then you started hearing it everywhere didn’t you? Kids were saying it, it was in songs, on t-shirts, on sunglasses, and then all of the sudden it wasn’t cool anymore. Oh no, it was lame. Rightfully so. Well this year, the NHL has made outdoor games the equivalent of YOLO. They had it so right before. One outdoor game a year, 2 outdoor games every 4 years with the Heritage Classic in Canada. What did this do? This kept outdoor games, The Winter Classic, a fresh, fun, exciting event; something to look forward to. But just like YOLO, it has been ruined. You take the ONE game, throw it around to teams who we’ve already seen play outdoors (Rangers, Wings, Penguins AGAIN, Hawks) coupled with teams we don’t want to see outdoors (Islanders, Devils, Senators) and now outdoor games are just mainstream. Is anyone truly excited to watch every single outdoor game this year? And to top it all off, just like YOLO, the outdoor games have made their way to Hollywood. Which leads us to the next section:

An outdoor game in California? That place known best for its hot, sunny weather outside of Florida? This game will get ratings. No, not because people want to see Selanne, Perry, Brown, and Doughty play outside, but because they want to see how bad the ice is, how it screws up the game, and how the TV crew tries to pretend the conditions aren’t god awful. People will watch but just because they want to see how bad things get. We call this the “Paranormal Activity 5” effect. They’ll watch, but not because its good.

Now this is the part that is WAY too obvious and way too frustrating. The Winter Classic and Heritage Classic should be celebrations of the game of hockey and its roots. Going back to where the game started, outdoors on a sheet of ice, against whatever elements are thrown at the players. Instead, the NHL has turned it all into a disgusting way to make back the loads of money it lost during the most recent (THIRD) lockout. I can hear the NHL’s thoughts now: “Let’s find absolutely massive stadiums, fill the seats, and make a ton of money off attendance revenue. Also, let’s divide the games into 3 separate categories. The Winter Classic, Heritage Classic, and Stadium Series. Why? So we can get three sponsors of course! CHA-CHING!”

And what’s worse, is that every team but the Canucks will be designing and wearing a new jersey. We’ve already seen most teams’ jerseys, and given the time you’re reading this, we have seen the Hawks new jersey too. Now in trying not to sound overly cynical about the whole thing, come one, do the teams really all need new jerseys? And it’s not like they are bringing back old jerseys, like the Canucks are doing with their Millionaires jerseys. These are NEW jerseys. Why couldn’t the Ducks wear the eggplant jerseys? The Kings could have worn their purple and yellow jerseys. The Wings could have worn their older Winter Classic jerseys and Isles could have gone back to one of the 18 jerseys they’ve had over the past 6 years. Come on Rangers. You really didn’t have an old jersey style to reincarnate? No, probably not, you’ve only been around since the 20’s. But then if you did that, then everyone wouldn’t spend as much money on these manipulative events. Many people have the eggplant Ducks jerseys and the purple Kings jerseys, so that’s going to be a number of fans who don’t pull out their credit cards and send some more money the NHL’s way. It’s pathetic really. And very transparent.

Oh and if you’re thinking “The NHL only does this because the fans keep paying money. The fans are letting them get away with it” then think of it this way: if a child wants you to buy him an ice cream cone, and you make him shine your shoes every time you do, you could say “If he’s willing to shine your shoes then why stop him” but this does not make it right to take advantage of the child because you keep getting your shoes dirty. The NHL is taking advantage of its excellent, loyal, passionate fans because they keep losing money on horrible decisions and lockouts. And we’re paying for it. What a joke.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

The 12 Days Of Avsmus. A Christmas Wishlist For Avs Fans

Ahh Christmas. The time of year society forces us to spend money to express our love and care for the people in our lives. The time we used to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The time Gary Bettman hyperventilates at all the Hockey Related Revenue being driven into the league's pockets. And the time that the Avs are 19-6 unless you're reading this past Thursday. 
So as an Avs fan, or a friend of an Avs fan, or an Avs fans who's befriended another Avs fan, you might be thinking to yourself "What Avs related items should I get him/her?"

Well look no further. We present you the 12 Days of Avsmus. A Christmas list for Avs fans.

On the 1st day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: A hockey puck because she is cheap.

Either an official game puck, or just a puck with a great design on it. This is a very inexpensive way to tell the Avs fan in your life that you remembered his or her favorite team. Price Range: $2-15.

On the 2nd day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: A Mini stick of my favorite team.

For the child on your shopping list, or adult who refuses to grow up. C’mon guys, we’ve all played mini-sticks past 25, don’t lie to yourself. Mini sticks come blank, or with NHL team logos on them, and even feature players like Ovechkin and Crosby. Good luck finding your favorite Avalanche player on one though because they aren’t Ovechkin and Crosby. Price range: $5-30

On the 3rd day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: Some Hockey cards ‘cause he’s pretty sweet.

 Hockey Cards: Not specific to the Avalanche but hey, if you get them enough hockey cards, we’re sure a Colorado player will come up. Hockey cards are a fun hobby and a great way to represent your love for the game. Price range: $1.50-50, dependent upon if you get single packs or hobby boxes.

On the 4th day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: An Avalanche Ornament for my tree!

Looking for something more sentimental? Something more festive and special? Well Colorado Avalanche Christmas tree ornaments are fun, reusable, festive, and unique. These can be found in local sports stores during the holiday season, online, and in your neighbour’s house if they already have one. Just kidding. Stealing would put you on Santa’s naughty list, and you might get a Red Wings puck in your stalking. Price range: $2-15.

On the 5th day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: Blood Feud because I can read!

A book by Denver Post sports writer Adrian Dater. If you are a hardcore Avs fan, or even a bandwagon jumper who can read, (Sorry hockey fans from Kentucky, but maybe there is a “Books on Tape” edition) then this is a must have. This book talks about the fierce Red Wings/Avs rivalry of the mid to late 90’s and is a must read for the veteran fan wanting to relive the brawls, or the new fan yearning for a piece of history. The book can be ordered at many bookstores, it can be found online, and it is also available in Kindle form. Amazon does it best:
 Technology eh? Gotta love it. Price range: $7-24.

On the 6th day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: An Avs hat, and shipping was free!

This year’s draft hat or one of the many featured online or in hockey stores around the country, wherever you may be. An Avalanche hat is a nice simple way of being able to constantly support the team, while looking mighty snazzy as you do so. Price range: $9-40

On the 7th day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: A picture plaque for my house guests to see!

By now we hope you are reading the headings in tune of the 12 Days of Christmas. Have you ever been walking through the mall and hit the kiosk where they have absolutely amazing pictures and paintings of NHL players in a beautiful frame? Pictures like this would light up any guy’s man cave, or any girl’s recreation room. Popular players featured in these works of art include Joe Sakic, Patrick Roy, Peter Forsberg, Ray Bourque, Alex Tanguay, and the list goes on. Price range: $50-800.

On the 8th day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: A hoody, shirt, sweater or shirsey”

Less expensive than a jersey, and still a great way to sport the colors of Burgundy and Blue.  These can also be worn more in public. Unfortunately jerseys are not very versatile. Shirseys are great too. Sporting #92 or #29 (sorry dyslexic people) whithout paying $100+ would make Puddy off of Seinfeld happy. Gotta support the team. Price range: $10-150. (The really nice hoodies are expensive but worth it)

On the 9th day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: A bed spread complete with Avs sheets.

Admit it. Growing up, and probably still, you wanted your room decked out in Avs stuff, including an Avalanche bed set. Look in your Wal-Mart or Sears catalogue, or similar stores to find this. How cool would that be? Price range: $45-100
On the 10th day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: An Avs lanyard or tag for my keys!

Key chains, bottle openers, mini pucks, lanyards. Make starting your car, opening your mailbox, and locking your house extra exciting by having one of these many Avs themed key sets. That was perhaps the biggest over sell of key related items since Watergate. Price range: $1-15

On the 11th day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: A box that contained an Avalanche jersey!

 Blank or customized, home or away, blueberry or vintage, a Colorado Avalanche jersey will put a huge smile of the face of any fan of the team. Jerseys can be found online at the NHL store if you want to feed Gary Bettman, or in Colorado Avalanche team stores, as well as (if you do not live in Colorado) a wide array of sporting memorabilia stores throughout the United States and Canada. Price Range: $124-400. We would also suggest checking out @ColAvsJerseys on Twitter and eBay.

On the 12th day of Avsmus my Avs friend gave to me: game tickets for section thirty!

No you don’t have to stick to section thirty, but it rhymed. Tickets are a staple gift around the holidays, and if you have a ton of money, they make an amazing stalking stuffer.  Price range: $24-150+. You can find $24 tickets on StubHub sometimes.

Well there you have it folks. Our top 12 gift ideas for the Colorado Avalanche fan in your life. Or of you are lonely around the holidays, you can buy this stuff for yourself. We hope to have given you some ideas or some reassurance as to what to get your hockey fans. If you think we left anything out feel free to leave more ideas for the readers in the comment section below. And Happy Holidays. 

Monday 25 November 2013

A Numbers Game: #14

(This is a series that will run through the offseason that highlights the best, worst, and most irrelevant players to wear each number from 1 to whenever there isn’t enough players that wore a certain number to do this. So…here…we…go…)

Think about the number 14 for Avs players. Before you go down the list, name 5 players that have worn #14. Can you do it? If you cant even name 5 players that have worn #14 for the Avalanche then you aren’t alone. As it turns out, 9 players have worn #14 for the burgundy and blue, but most stays with the number have been brief. 14 is also the number of starts Roberto Luongo will get before the Canucks fans start crying out for Eddie Lack. Because the horrible Canucks team/lack of defense and a strong core is Luonogo’s fault. Enjoying those paychecks Mike Gillis?

The Best: None other than Ian Laperriere. The only time Lappy scored 20 goals in an NHL season was his first with the Avs (05/06) and it was also his highest point total. But it wasn’t his point production that made Avs fans fall in love with him. It was his style of play, his grit, his fighting, his pesty qualities, his heart, his passion. His scoring dipped severely over the next few seasons in Colorado, but he still played good solid games.

The Worst: Tom Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald was more a victim of circumstance. He was traded to the Avs to man the RW spot on the 3rd and 4th lines in the playoffs. He played 11 games, scored 3 points, and was relatively ineffective. Needless to say, he did not get resigned, but became a vital part of the newly founded Nashville Predators.

Mr. Irrelevant: Christian Matte only played 22 games for the Avs, and only 7 while wearing #14. A leading scorer in the IHL and AHL through the 90’s, Matte could not crack an NHL lineup, let alone the talented, deep Avs corp. 394 points in 390 AHL games isn’t bad though.

Other 14’s:

Landon Wilson

Dave Hannan

Theoren Fleury

Dave Reid

Tomas Fleischmann

David Van Der Gulik

Also in the Series:

1    2   3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19  

20   21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34    35    36    

37    38    39    40    41    42    43    44    45    46    47    48    49    50    51    52    53   

54    55    57   58    59    60    62    63    71    77    87    88    90    92    94    97

Saturday 23 November 2013

Semyon Varlamov: Not The Only NHL Player To Be Arrested

If you are just hearing for the first time that Semyon Varlamov has been charged with third degree assault, then you should probably crawl back under that rock you live in. it’s getting lonely. Over the past few years the Avs have kind of been a joke around the league hey weren’t good, their games were boring, and they often finished in the basement (Landeskog, Duchene, MacKinnon: Who’s laughing now?). So given the recent success of this team, and their great play, Avs haters are using this charge on our goalie to finally stick it to/beak Avs fans. Ridiculous isn’t it? Here’s a tip: If someone  says “Well at least my goalie wasn’t arrested” respond with something like…oh I don’t know…”16-5” and just walk away like cool action heroes after an explosion near the end of the movie.
But it is important to keep in mind that Varly isn’t the only NHL player to have a run in with the law. Here are a few more recent cases:

Dustin Byfuglien

Charge: Careless boating.

Yea that wouldn’t go over so well in jail. Guys would be exchanging stories…”I’m in here for armed robbery man”…”I’m in here for grand larceny dawg.”…..”I’m in here because I found my wife cheating. They still haven’t found the bodies”….”I’m in here because I had 2 beers before going on a boat ride, and the cop was probably a Canucks fan.” Not so tough. Byfuglien was sentenced to 2 years of weight watchers.

Ben Eager

Charge: Assault.

Eager was arrested with his brother after an incident at a pub during the lockout last year. I guess he wasn’t really that Eager to negotiate a new CBA. Eager was sentenced to another season with the Oilers.

Nikolai Zherdev

Charge: Having a last name that’s way too hard to spell when you’re driving a boat drunk.

Actual Charge: Intentional damage to property of others.

Flyers owner Ed Snider had Zherdev arrested for intentionally damaging the good name of the Philadelphia Flyers, using his on ice play as a weapon. Just kidding. He actually smashed his wife’s car after a night out together at a restaurant. He was also heard yelling threats at his wife. Thise threats were probably along the lines of “I’ll go back to the KHL! I’ll do it!” Zherdev was sentenced to go back to the KHL. But it’s ok, now  no one watches him play because it’s the KHL.

Sean Avery

Charge: Suspicion of battery on a police officer. Because Avery keeps going and going and going and going…

Avery is all to familiar with charging in his career. It was 1 a.m. and a noise complaint was filed. Apparently it was music, but no one would be surprised if Avery was really just standing in front of a mirror yelling about how great he was. So when the police officer came…we’d just like to take a second and give ourselves a pat on the back for that Energizer Bunny/battery joke….when the police came Avery shoved one of them and was arrested. I had no idea Wayne Gretzky became a cop. STILL no NHLer can touch him without feeling the heat. No word on if Dave Semenko was his partner. Avery was sentenced to a life in the fashion industry.

Brett Sutter

Charge: Suspicion of assault.

Sutter apparently punched a guy outside of a bar at night. No word on if that guy was Jay Feaster and Sutter was just really mad because he was drafted to the Flames. Sutter was sentenced to watch his dad win a Stanley Cup while he sat in the minors.

Mike Ribeiro

Charge: Always looking like an out of work porn star if he doesn’t shave for 2 days. Or maybe Public Intoxication.

Ribeiro was eating at a restaurant with his wife and another couple when his wife got into a verbal fight with another woman. Apparently she has as big a mouth as he does. Anyways, he had been drinking, because it’s a night out at a restaurant with friends, and an off duty cop took them all into custody. Ribeiro was never sentenced because a psychic came in and told the officers that in a few years time, the only team that would sign him would be the Coyotes. They figured that was punishment enough.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

5 Trades Avs Management Would Have Made Under Sacco/Sherman

Patrick Roy is doing a great job as coach and Joe Sakic is doing a great job at whatever his job title is that no one remembers because he’s actually just the GM to everyone. It is hard to imagine where the Avs would be this year if they had kept Sherman as GM and Sacco as coach. We don’t mean it would be hard to gauge their place in thr standings. We mean they would be so horrible in their battles with Buffalo for last place that it would be really hard to think about.

The management moves have been great thu far with the new/old boys in town, so here is a list of trades we think the old brass would have made so far this year if they were still in power:

To Colorado
Any 2 4th liners on the Sabres, and a 7th rd draft pick

To Buffalo:

Tyson Barrie, a 1st rd pick

Trade reasoning: “We have lot of D in our system and too much skill up front. So this trade will allow us to be less offensive on the backend, and scratch high energy scorers for non-physical, unskilled players.”

To Philadelphia:

Semyon Varlamov, another decent roster player

To Colorado:

Erik Gustaffson, Jay Rosehill

Trade Reasoning: We weren’t yet at the cap floor, and we need another defenseman that can’t kill penalties. Rosehill is a good acquisition because he can play a solid 5 minutes a night and end the game -2. But overall, we decided to regain the title of worst management from Ed Snider.

To Carolina:

Matt Duchene, Ryan Wilson, Jamie McGinn

To Colorado:

Rick DiPietro, Nathan Gerbe, 6th rd pick

Trade Reasoning: “With the sudden absence of a starter, DiPietro is a proven injury case. We like those. Gerbe will make us smaller up front because size doesn’t help win hockey games at all. We also feel we have not given enough up yet for failed 1st overall picks. Does anyone know the number of Patrik Stefan’s agent? We have about $4M we can spend to get to the cap floor.

To Montreal:

Colin Smith, Joey Hishon, Chris Bigras, Michael Sgarbossa

To Colorado: Davis Drewiske

Trade Reasoning: After trading emerging NHL scorer Michael Bournival to the Canadiens for Ryan O’Byrne, we felt as though we stil have not given up enough young talented prospects for useless slow D that will plague our blueline for years.

To Calgary:

Ryan O’Reilly

To Colorado:

David Jones, Shane O’Brien, TJ Galiardi

Trade Reasoning: We were trying to think of a few former Avs to bring back to club, either in coaching, management, or players. And this is what we came up! Vegas baby.

Friday 25 October 2013

The Official Colorado Avalanche Bandwagoner's Fan Guide

With great power comes great responsibility. How can this famous saying be carried over to hockey and the Colorado Avalanche? With a great start comes a great number of bandwagon fans. So, all you bandwagon fans out there, here is your official Bandwagon Fan Guide for the 2013/14 Colorado Avalanche!

If your second favorite team is the San Jose Sharks, then consider this our formal request for you to leave the world of hockey all together. Just a heads up, you’ll probably end up in Phoenix.

It’s pronounced WAH. If you say ROY, or R-WAH, you’re gonna have a bad time.

Gabriel Landeskog is our captain. Yes,  Joe Sakic has retired. Yes. Really. No, we understand you’ve been a little busy in life to realize that, it’s not like it was a big deal or anything.

Oh you remember the glory days of “Sakic, Forsberg, Tanguay, Roy, Bourque, Lemieux, and Hejduk”? Do you remember the mediocre days of Laaksonen, Vaananen, Morris, Klee, Konowalchuk, and Brigley? What about the awful days of Galiardi, Hensick, Yip, Dupuis, Jones, Hannan, Stoa, and Quincey? No? Didn’t think so.

Don’t ask when the Avs redesigned their jerseys. Just don’t.

The Avalanche have 4 retired numbers. Yes, it’s only just a coincidence that is the number of Avs games you’ve watched in the last 10 years. (If you realized the Avs actually had 5 retired numbers, please enter the mentorship program for the new Avs fans. Duration: a few weeks, or whenever the Avs get passed by Chicago in the standings)

Don’t argue that Steve Yzerman is the best #19 to play the game. Claude Lemieux will find you, and go all Liam Neeson in Taken on your sorry behind.

DO brush up on semi-current Avs events such as the Shattenkirk trade and what to do with Paul Stastny. When these conversations flare up, don’t be quiet.

The Avs used to be the Quebec Nordiques. Mentioning the fact that they won their first Cup as an expansion team might make you look…like a bandwagon fan.

Yes; you are the worst type of fan in sports. No, we don’t want you to stay.

The Avs have won 2 Stanley Cups.  Oh, you just realized that a few other teams have won more? And now you’re a Canadiens fan? We understand. Sacrebleu.

Uwe Krupp scored the Cup winning goal in 1996. Yes we know, you have no idea who he is. But don’t worry, that won’t matter in a month when a different team goes on a hot streak.

It’s the “Colorado” Avalanche. Not the Denver Avalanche.

No, Ray Bourque wasn’t captain when the Avs won the cup in 2001. Yes he lifted it first but that’s only because…ugh nevermind.

If your second favorite team is the Red Wings, Canucks, Stars, or Wild, you best keep that to yourself.

If your second favorite team is the Penguins, Hawks, or Bruins, then the Panthers are probably eagerly awaiting your pledge of fandom if they ever get good.

If someone asks you “Why do you like the Avs” don’t say it’s “Because they’re awesome” . Yes that’s the reason, but you best keep that to yourself as well.

It is well advised for you to get an Avs hat or something. Walking around in a Blackhawks cap or a Flyers hat while saying you’re an Avs fan isn’t a good way to make friends.

The Avalanche play at the Pepsi center. It’s surprising how many “fans” don’t know where their teams play.

If you are under 10 years old and the Avs are your new sudden favorite team, that’s ok. You’re 10. You don’t know any better. And you should probably get off the internet. There are some popups on here that will just confuse you until you watch basic cable past midnight.

Sem-Yawn Var-Lah-Mov. Learn how to pronounce it, because jeez you're going to make yourself look stupid if you don't.

And last but not least:

That fluke OT goal against San Jose in the 2010 playoffs? Ryan O'Reilly knew exactly what he was doing and don't you dare say otherwise.

When the Avs lose a few games in a row or they get eliminated and you throw them under the bus, keep reading this blog. We need all the help we can get.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

VIDEO: Patrick Roy Freaks Out On Bruce Boudreau

In the dying seconds of the Avs home opener, Ben Lovejoy went knee on knee with newest Av centerman Nathan MacKinnon. This set off a skirmish at the final buzzer of the game, during which Patrick Roy lost his cool. Here is the video of Roy's tirade against Ducks coach Bruce Boudreau. Sticktap you YouTube user Fred Murtz:

How good is it to have him back?

Thursday 12 September 2013

A Look At Remaining UFA's: Who Should The Avs Sign/Condem To The KHL?

The Avs look like a pretty good team on paper. Ok, don’t look at the defense, that still needs work. More on that later. But as with any NHL team (yes Canucks fans, that means you, your team isn’t perfect so just stop it already) there are holes, and ways to improve. The NHL website recently released a list of the top remaining UFA’s. So let’s take a look, shall we, at the remaining top free agents left on the table, and we’ll see if they are worthy enough for the Avs to save from the KHL.

We’ll throw in Patrick Roy’s projected line combinations to help you judge where a certain player would be on the team:

  • Ryan O’Reilly — Matt Duchene — P.A. Parenteau
  • Gabe Landeskog — Paul Stastny — Alex Tanguay
  • Jamie McGinn — Nathan MacKinnon — Steve Downie

Brendan Morrow, LW. We haven’t seen any Avs fans on Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere else, talk about how the Avs should sign the former Stars star. And you know what we think of that? Good call. Morrow would be useless on the Avs. He would be a 3rd line guy at best and maybe play some powerplay time, but we have enough players like him that don’t want as much money, and haven’t been beaten up their whole careers. Morrow is still a great player, but only on teams that need a veteran guy who can play on the 2nd line wing. Carolina, Florida, Edmonton, Calgary, and other really bad teams come to mind.

Vinny Prospal: LW. See above entry but just take out the fact that Morrow is still effective and a bad team can use him. Have fun in Europe Vinny, it’s been a slice!

Flip Kuba: D. The Avs need help on their blueline, that’s no secret to anyone. But is Kuba the right guy? No. he isn’t. but could he help? Yes he could. Here’s an idea Avs management, yes we’re talking to you too Joe Sakic, get rid of Hunwick, Sarich, Benoit, and Hejda, and bring in Kuba. He is an offensive minded guy, gifted passer, great at breakouts, an anchor on the powerplay, and just all around talented. Now, is he a Drew Doughty, Ryan Suter, or Kris Letang? No. but he would be a perfect replacement for Dime-A-Dozen Hejda on the 2nd line D. And he will probably be pretty cheap.

Ron Hainsey: D. The Avs need a bit of a pick me up on D. Broken record much? But the Avs don’t need Ron Hainsey. Hainsey is like a miz between Erik Johnson and Ryan Wilson except with way less skill and ability. So really, as much as he would fit in on our backend because of that, we should just leave him standing in the unemployment line. Go get him Oilers!

Simon Gagne: LW. Would you like a really talented 1st or 2nd line winger that is always top five in league scoring, is healthy as a horse, has blistering speed, a great shot, and good hands? Then jump in your time machine and go get Simon Gagne in 2006. Next!

Ilya Bryzgalov, G. Something tells me these guys are unemployed for a reason. Its obvious why Bryz wouldn’t fit in with the Avs. He isn’t any good anymore, hes getting old, he’ll be making a ton of money of the geniuses in Flyer land nd still want a huge paycheck, because he’s Russian (yea we went there. Russian player rant coming soon as well), and Varlamov os our guy. Period. We were going to do a “why you hef to be” joke but we instead opted for less popular “your momma joke”. Hey Ilya, Your momma is so Russian, that when Stalin…no nevermind this isn’t going to be appropriate. Have fun watching the Olympics on your TV.

Damien Brunner: RW. The only use Brunner would have on the Avs is if after every tough loss, they tied him up like a piñata in his old Wings jersey and beat him with plaster molds of Claude Lemieux’s arms.  

So there you have it. One player is deemed good enough by us and our expertise to don an Avs jersey for this season. Do you agree? Disagree? There is always the option for RFA offer sheets to guys like Franson and Pietrangelo, but Sakic doesn’t seem like a lowballing screw up likeJay Feaster.

Monday 2 September 2013

A Numbers Game: #13

By Kevin Goff

Well, when I first suggested about writing the piece for #13 with the Colorado Avalanche, I was certain I'd find a few more names than there actually are. Going back to when the Colorado Avalanche were the Quebec Nordiques, a grand total of three people have ever donned jersey number 13. Since moving to Colorado, there have only been two, so this makes it a little interesting, especially since you can't really say that either of them were the worst.

The Best:Valeri Kamensky. When the Avalanche first came to Denver, Kamensky might have been one of the most overlooked stars on that heavily loaded team. Everybody knew about Joe Sakic and Peter Forsberg. But then the Avalanche added Claude Lemieux and acquired Sandis Ozolinsh early on in the season. Add in the big trade for Patrick Roy and you're barely even thinking about Kamensky. 

Don't forget though, during that 1995 -1996 year, Kamensky had career highs in goals assists and points. He had 38 goals and 47 assists for 85 points. He also had 10 goals and 12 assists for 22 points in that year's run to the playoffs where everybody was overshadowed by Joe Sakic's domination. Kamensky had a deceptively huge shot, great hands and immense skill. 

I had the good fortune of being able to interview Kamensky when I was writing with Bleacher Report a few years back where I got the chance to reminisce about winning the Stanley Cup. Truly an awesome experience. 

The Worst: By process of elimination, the only other 13 for the Colorado Avalanche was Dan Hinote. I wouldn't want to refer to him as the worst anything, though, as he was a very useful player on Colorado's 2001 Stanley Cup Championship team. He was a fast, physical, wrecking ball of a player that could show some offensive flash from time to time. A great character guy that knew his role and performed it very well, but didn't have nearly the kind of talent that Valeri Kamensky had. So, rather than call him "The Worst", perhaps he is just "The Second" number 13. 

There really isn't an irrelevant 13, but if you want to go that way, we can call Mats Sundin, who was the only other player in the franchise to wear 13, this one since he wore it while he was a member of the Quebec Nordiques.

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Thursday 29 August 2013

A Numbers Game: #12

(This is a series that will run through the offseason that highlights the best, worst, and most irrelevant players to wear each number from 1 to whenever there isn’t enough players that wore a certain number to do this. So…here…we…go…)

We were shocked when we thought about it and realized how many players have worn #12 for the Avalanche. But it follows the trend with these lower numbers in a sense that no one really wears them for more than 2 seasons. 12 is also the number of seasons it’s going to take the Canucks to rebuild and still not win a Cup. Come on, we all know it’s true.

The Best: Brad Richardson. Richardson was an anchor on the 4th line, and a great penalty killer. He wasn’t the most memorable Av in the few years he played, but compared to the other #12’s he tops the list. Richardson was one of those guys that would come to the rink, play a hard, solid game, go relatively unnoticed, but still be vital to the team. You know guys like Richardson are playing good when you never hear their names. The Avs traded him at the 2009 draft in order to move up and select goaltending prospect Peter Delmas. Yea, that really worked out guys. It’s not like there hasn’t been instability at the 4th line center position these past few years before Mitchell. Oh well, Richardson has a Stanley Cup, and he deserves it!

The Worst: Ok, time to stop being so nice. Kevin Porter, you were horrible. Slow, bad with the puck, a waste of a roster spot, a bad penalty killer, no hands, and hey, whoever told you that you have to be at 30 feet away from a goalie before you shoot on him LIED. How many failed Hobey Baker winners is it going to take for them to realize that being good in College doesn’t mean you don’t need to step up your level of play, hockey sense, and work ethic when you make it to the show? Hey  Junior Lessard, Marty Sertich, Peter Sejna, Ryan Duncan, Matt Gilroy, Andy Miele, and yes Kevin Porter, we can smell you from here. There is a reason you never made it in the big leagues. Porter was one of those guys that, when Sacco dressed him in favour of a half-eaten bag of Cheetos and Pierre Lacroix’s unborn great great granddaughter, you just shook your head and thought “What were you thinking?” and cried after another inevitable Avs loss. Good riddance.

Mr. Irrelevant: Darren Haydar. He once played for the Thrashers before coming to the Avs for a game. Yea.

Other #12’s

Chris Simon – winner of the “Stop getting suspended, oh nevermind enjoy the KHL” award

Shean Donovan – winner of the “The doctor misheard his parents when they tried to spell out his first name for the 1st time” award.

Radim Vrbata – Only wore 12 for a few games, but we wish he was still here.

Mike Keane – came over the 1st time in the Roy trade. 2nd time: no one really cares.

Chuck Kobasew – winner of the “millionth bad player decision by Greg Sherman” award. The trophy for that one is rated R.

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Tuesday 27 August 2013

A Numbers Game: #11

(This is a series that will run through the offseason that highlights the best, worst, and most irrelevant players to wear each number from 1 to whenever there isn’t enough players that wore a certain number to do this. So…here…we…go…)

How does an NHL player become number 1 not once, but twice? They work hard, play harder, and develop a superstardom status among their peers and NHL fans. But in the case of the following Avs players, they just wore #11. Many players have worn number 11 with this team, and many of them aren’t notable in Avs lore whatsoever. So let’s take a look shall we? Oh, and 11 is the number of goals Tyler Seguin will score this season while still being compared to as better than Phil Kessel. He isn’t by the way.

The Best: New comer Jamie McGinn gets the honour of being touted as the best number 11, but it wasn’t a walk off. We were very tempted to put tough guy Chris Dingman in this slot. Dingman, believe it or not, was a pretty important piece in the 2001 championship puzzle. Sure he wasn’t any Sakic or Tanguay, Blake or Bourque, but on a solid Stanley Cup roster are guys like Dingman who make the superstars jobs a little easier night in and night out. So, having said that, we are going to call it a tie. Maybe McGinn wouldn’t have to share this honour if he didn’t hit the post as much. This video features a Dingman fight: 

The Worst: Jeff Shantz. 74 games in the Mile High City and only 9 points to show for it. He was the 4th line center but he wasn’t very good defensively, and oh yea, he was part of the Drury Yelle trade. Good god what was Lacroix thinking? I wonder why Shantz was never given a new contract. Good riddance.

Mr. Irrelevant: Darius Kasparitis. 11 games in Colorado, 0 points, +1. Yea you don’t get much more irrelevant than that.

Other #11’s:

Owen Nolan – Winner of the “Thanks for letting us trade you to become a better team defensively so we could win the Cup without you, oh and good luck in San Jose because they have SUCH a good team that will definitely go places in the playoffs in the next 20 years” award. That one was very expensive to carve on a trophy.

Keith Jones – winner of the “2nd best Av to become a TV Personality” award

Pascal Trepanier – This was Trepanier’s 3rd number with the Avs

Andrei Nikolishin – Winner of the “First guy to fall on Steve Moore’s back after Bertuzzi punched him from behind” award.

Cody McCormick – Buffalo should have given him more opportunities.

Phillipe Dupuis – Another pretty good 4th line center we let go to Toronto

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