Tuesday 19 November 2013

5 Trades Avs Management Would Have Made Under Sacco/Sherman

Patrick Roy is doing a great job as coach and Joe Sakic is doing a great job at whatever his job title is that no one remembers because he’s actually just the GM to everyone. It is hard to imagine where the Avs would be this year if they had kept Sherman as GM and Sacco as coach. We don’t mean it would be hard to gauge their place in thr standings. We mean they would be so horrible in their battles with Buffalo for last place that it would be really hard to think about.

The management moves have been great thu far with the new/old boys in town, so here is a list of trades we think the old brass would have made so far this year if they were still in power:

To Colorado
Any 2 4th liners on the Sabres, and a 7th rd draft pick

To Buffalo:

Tyson Barrie, a 1st rd pick

Trade reasoning: “We have lot of D in our system and too much skill up front. So this trade will allow us to be less offensive on the backend, and scratch high energy scorers for non-physical, unskilled players.”

To Philadelphia:

Semyon Varlamov, another decent roster player

To Colorado:

Erik Gustaffson, Jay Rosehill

Trade Reasoning: We weren’t yet at the cap floor, and we need another defenseman that can’t kill penalties. Rosehill is a good acquisition because he can play a solid 5 minutes a night and end the game -2. But overall, we decided to regain the title of worst management from Ed Snider.

To Carolina:

Matt Duchene, Ryan Wilson, Jamie McGinn

To Colorado:

Rick DiPietro, Nathan Gerbe, 6th rd pick

Trade Reasoning: “With the sudden absence of a starter, DiPietro is a proven injury case. We like those. Gerbe will make us smaller up front because size doesn’t help win hockey games at all. We also feel we have not given enough up yet for failed 1st overall picks. Does anyone know the number of Patrik Stefan’s agent? We have about $4M we can spend to get to the cap floor.

To Montreal:

Colin Smith, Joey Hishon, Chris Bigras, Michael Sgarbossa

To Colorado: Davis Drewiske

Trade Reasoning: After trading emerging NHL scorer Michael Bournival to the Canadiens for Ryan O’Byrne, we felt as though we stil have not given up enough young talented prospects for useless slow D that will plague our blueline for years.

To Calgary:

Ryan O’Reilly

To Colorado:

David Jones, Shane O’Brien, TJ Galiardi

Trade Reasoning: We were trying to think of a few former Avs to bring back to club, either in coaching, management, or players. And this is what we came up! Vegas baby.

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