Monday 1 July 2013

Our Future Lies With Some Of You: 2013 Edition

Just like last year, here is a look at your newest Avs prospects:

1st pick, 1st overall: Seth Jones, all American hero, son of an athlete, 1st overall pick was a lock. Until everyone ever, Joe Sakic and Patrick Roy included, read our blog citing why drafting Jones was a bad idea. So, we credit ourselves with full responsibility of the Avs drafting future NHL star Nathan Mackinnon. You are VERY welcome Avs fans.

2nd pick, 32nd overall: Chris Bigras (Owen Sound, OHL). The Avs got their defenseman. The OHL blueliner led his team in defensive scoring last season and is apparently very smart, having won his team’s Scholastic Player of the Year award. And if you are still mad the Avs didn’t get Jones, keep this in mind: Duncan Keith was once drafted 52nd overall. So you never know.

3rd pick, 63rd overall: Spencer Martin (Mississauga, OHL). The Avs continued to fill holes in the roster in the 3rd round by drafting a goaltender. This adds much needed depth to a position that is currently filled by Varlamov, Giguere, Aittokallio, Pickard, Patterson, and  Milan. Yea. We really needed that goalie. But he really fits the Avs recent goaltending curve as he compiled a losing record last year. Who said change is a good thing?

4th pick, 93rd overall: Mason Geertsen (Vancouver, WHL). Another dman for the Avs as the add size to their backend. This defenseman is most comparable to Erik Johnson as his goal total sucked last year and he isn’t very offensive. The only difference between the two: one is a solid defenseman that plays hard night in and night out, and tries to better his team. The other is Erik Johnson.

5th pick, 123rd overall: Will Butcher (USA U-18, USHL). The Avs drafted another blueliner. I guess they just wanted to shutup all the Seth Jones whiners. Butcher is in the American development program, so if history is any indication, he will get really good and the Avs will trade him to St. Louis for a draft dud, a guy we won’t keep around, and  a pick.

6th pick, 153rd overall: Ben Storm (Muskegon USHL). I’m guessing this was Greg Sherman’s call. Only he could screw up bad enough and think that teams iced 12 defensemen a game and just 6 forwards.

7th pick, 183rd overall. With their last pick in the draft, the Avs obtained fabled future star defenseman Seth Jones! Oh wait, that isn’t right is it? We just figured they did considering how far Jones fell in the draft. Oh, Wilhelm Westlund from Farjestad Jr was the last pick? He wins the award of “Most German Sounding Name In A Swedish Hockey League”. Already a champion. Well we’re sick of talking about defensemen, so let’s focus on other stuff. Barkov at no. 2? It’s nice to see that Florida hasn’t stopped being Florida.

So that’s it for the 2013 NHL draft. The Avs got their guy, Nashville stole Jones at 4th, Feaster managed to screw up his team’s draft even though he had THREE first round choices, and every TV analyst managed to kiss the very last spot on Ray Shero’s ass for his ability to give to way too much money to Letang/trade Kennedy. Everyone is happy! Oh, except Luongo.

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