Tuesday 24 June 2014

Nathan MacKinnon Wins The Calder Trophy. Obviously.

Well, as many have speculated, Nathan MacKinnon has won the Calder Memorial Trophy as the NHL’s rookie of the year. Kudos to Ondrej Palat and Tyler Johnson on their nominees, but lets be serious. Was there any doubt Nathan MacKinnon would win the award? Let’s take a look at the stats:


Check it out. We used a table. Stick tap to my mom’s boss who showed us how to do that on Microsoft Word 2003.

So the stats tell this kind of story: MacKinnon isn’t a runaway points wise. The goals are as even as they can be, and apart from Johnson’s lack of comparable assists, the points are pretty even as well. So let’s look a little deeper into the situation: MacKinnon’s corsi and fenwick are just so much be-…..just kidding we hate advanced stats.

But look at the way these players have played. Palat had a horrible start, points wise, to his season. It took until December 10th for him to score his 5th goal of the season. Granted, at this point in the season he was mostly being used as a 3rd/4th line guy. But the Calder trophy isn’t an award for best January-April. Sorry Palat, but your new contract extension should cheer you up.

Tyler Johnson. You scored a Hattrick against the Avs. So that’s why you lost. Now go sit in the corner and think about what you did.

Ok fine. Apart from that, Johnson was pretty inconsistent throughout the year. He went through long scoring droughts, even though he was consistently getting over 17 minutes a game, playing on the top line at time and with Steven Stamkos. Come on Johnson, you’re 5’9. You should be more like Martin St. Louis. Yea, it’s that easy.

So, you’re welcome for that expert analysis. Look out Mike Milbury and Jeremy Roenick, we’re coming for you.

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