Sunday 18 March 2012

Do The Colorado Avalanche Have A Scoring Problem?

If Colorado wants to continue being successful, they need to score some goals. They did not get a single puck past Martin Brodeur in New Jersey, and just 2 pucks behind Henrik Lundqvist. Now, one can argue that those goalies are 2 of the best in the league, but only 2 goals (with a goalie in the net) in 2 games, AND they still managed to pick up 3 of 4 points; that’s remarkable. But it is not going to last. They are doing a very good imitation of the Vancouver Canucks of last year in the Stanley Cup Finals, and we all know how that ended.

The Avalanche have BIG games coming up against the Coyotes, Sharks, Canucks, and Flames. These low scoring games will not produce points night in and night out like is has recently. Aside from the 5-4 victory in Buffalo (in which only 4 actually goals were scored), and the 7-1 slaughter against Minnesota, March has been a low scoring month for the team. The Avs have lost 2-0 (CBJ), 5-1 (PIT), 4-2 (NSH), and 1-0 (SO/NJ). They were shutout twice, and did not score more than twice. They won 5 other games by scores of 2-0 (MIN), 3-2 (SO/EDM), 3-2 (ANH), 3-1 (NYR), and 2-1 (OT/CGY). They only scored 3 goals on two occasions, and the third goal against the Rangers was into an empty net.

These numbers are reminiscent of the last year the Avs made the playoffs in 2008, where they rode the hot goaltending of Craig Anderson into the post-season. Colorado only has 8 games left in the regular season, and if the hot goalie tandem of J.S. Giguere and Semyon Varlamov cools down, the Avs will be in serious trouble if they don’t find their scoring touch. These 2/3 goal games will not produce W’s forever. The Minnesota Wild are proof of that.

It is no wonder the Avalanche are scoring so few goals. Milan Hejduk has just 2 goals in his last 33 games, Matt Duchene only has 1 goal and 4 points in 14 games, Ryan O’Reilly has just 2 goals in his last 18, Paul Stastny has potted 2 goals (one, an empty netter in New York) in his last 13, and the only goals coming from our blue line are at the hands of Matt Hunwick. MATT HUNWICK!

Morale of the story: The Avs need to score. They need their “top guys” to produce, and with consistency. If things do not change, the Avs could start losing games. If Varlamov gets tired because he has to work so hard day in and day out then look for the Avs to drop in the standings. 


  1. The fact that the Avs don't get as many powerplays as their opponents has to be counted in as well. Powerplay goals help boost the confidence and when you don't get them it all gets much harder. Never the less, Hejduk and the other expected top scorers have to step up. //Mattias Boström, Sweden

  2. Yes thats definitley a really good point! These players numbers would look much better if they had more powerplay time! By the way, it's great to see readers from Sweden!


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