Sunday 11 March 2012

There's a First Time For Everything

Welcome dedicated Avaholics to our first ever blog post. I guess since you are about to become one of my dedicated readers, I should tell you a little about myself. I am an Avalanche fan. I always have been, and I always will be. No matter how horrible the team is (like last season), no matter how many trades I disagree with (albeit I haven't used the #FireSherman hashtag on Twitter for a while), and no matter how much I disagree with coaching decisions (Porter on the PP? Really?) I will always be a fan. If I see that bandwagon trudging by my house in the ups and downs of this franchise, I will neither get on it or off it, as I am a fan through and through. My aim of this blog is to write pretty much about the Avalanche, how I see them, how readers see them, and to just write about the team in a general, non-biased way as well.

It might get messy at times, overly critical, and/or rude and unnecessary, but that all comes with the territory of being an Avaholic. Don't drink and drive. 

The personal details of my life will be left out for now. All I will tell you is that I am not 30 yet, and I am working toward 2 masters degrees in post-secondary education. My favorite colour is green (Burgundy and Blue are a close second), I am North American born, and I play hockey as well as watch it. Oh, and I also enjoy long walks on the beach and staying up all night talking. 

I will try and post after every game (I watch most of them, see few live) and in between games as well. Whenever I feel like writing on the Avs, venting or praising, or just jib jab, I will do my best to entertain you. I am no Puck Daddy or Down Goes Brown (Both of which I strongly suggest you read....((after you read Avaholics Unanimous of course ))....if you haven't before), but that’s ok with me. For now.

Thanks you for reading this first post! There will be more to come shortly! I welcome comments and questions, and I will try to answer back to every one!

Yours Truly
Avaholics Unanimous

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